Fabrication & Erection

Fabrication & Erection forms the quintessential process in building the machinery infrastructure for an industry. It involves engineering machines, mechanical paraphernalia and devising structures that facilitate the free flow of production process.

NEC stands tall in the nation’s Fabrication & Erection façade with its decades of experience in handling a mammoth array of projects both nationally and globally.

Our expertise includes:

  • Erection of Electrical, Instrumental & Control work for Coal Handling Plants, Ash Handling Plants & Cement Plants including Operations and Maintenance of Panels, Switch Gear, Transformers and Lighting work.
  • Fabrication & Erection of large diameter tanks and structures in Power Plants.
  • Fabrication, Erection, Testing and Commissioning of the complete Ash Handling System.
  • Handling, laying, welding, erection, testing and commissioning of large diameter cooling water piping and Fire Fighting System in Power Plants.
  • Fabrication, erection and testing of Yard Piping, Non IBR Piping and Effluent Treatment Plant.
  • Erection of various equipment, piping, structures, BF Gas Piping including rotating equipments in Integrated Steel Plants.
  • Handling Port activities such as fabrication & erection of loco sheds and piping

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